AMS Special Session on Applied Topology
January 8, 2021
Thanks to Gunnar Carlsson for many discussions on the Klein bottle for image patches and possible extensions.
Funding I received while working on this topic
2D: $\ell \times \ell$ pixel squares.
3D: $\ell \times \ell \times \ell$ voxel cubes.
Patches are sampled from natural (non-random) images, so there is structure in the data.
Filter for high-contrast, dense subsets.
k, p: take top p% ranked by distance to k-nearest neighbor.
Topology in the visual cortex
Van Hateren data set [vHvdS 98] - data base of 2D natural images.
BRATS MRI data set [BRATS]
Penobscot seismic interpetation data [Pen]
Procedure used in [LPM 02]
Additional steps used for high-density regions [dSC 04, C+ 08]
2-dimensional PCA embedding with eigenpatches.
$7\times 7$ patches
Primary circle [dSC 04]
2-dimensional PCA embedding with eigenpatches.
Consider $d$-dimensional patches.
We'll consider idealized patches as functions on the disk $D^d$
We'd like to capture primary spheres and secondary circles in a topological model.
The primary $(d-1)$ sphere [dSC 04]:
$\{(v_\phi^T x) \mid v_\phi\in S^{d-1}\}$
Fix $v_\phi \in S^{d-1}$. A secondary circle [dSC 04]:
$\{\cos(\theta)(v_\phi^T x)^2 + \sin(\theta)(v_\phi^T x)\mid \theta \in [0,2\pi)\}$
Note that $v_\phi$ and $-v_\phi$ produce the same secondary circle.
$\mathcal{K}^d = \{ k(v_\phi, \theta; x) = \cos(\theta)(v_\phi^T x)^2 + \sin(\theta)(v_\phi^T x) \mid v_\phi\in S^{d-1}, \theta \in [0,2\pi) \}$
There is an identification $k(-v_\phi, -\theta;x) = k(v_\phi, \theta; x)$
$\mathcal{K}^2$ is a Klein bottle [C+ 08]. $\mathcal{K}^3$ is a $3$-dimensional manifold.
Harris corner/edge detector [HS 88] analyzes eigenvalues of:
$M(x) = \sum_i \Delta(x_i) \Delta(x_i)^T$, $\Delta$ finite difference gradient.
Harris map $h: x\mapsto \text{MaxEigVec}(M(x))$
There is a sign/scale ambiguity for eigenvectors, so range is naturally $\mathbb{R}P^{d-1}$
We also see this ambiguity in our "secondary circles".
Continuous limit
$M(f(x)) = \int_x dx\, \nabla(f(x))\nabla(f(x))^T$
For $k(v_\phi, \theta; x)\in \mathcal{K}^d$, $\nabla(k(x)) = k'(x) v_\phi$
so $M(k(x))$ is rank-1, and $h(k(v_\phi, \theta; x)) = [v_\phi]$
$\mathcal{K}^d$ is a fiber bundle over $\mathbb{R}P^{d-1}$
(non-trivial because of twist in identification)
The Harris map $h$ is a fibration for $\mathcal{K}^d$
Fibers $h^{-1}([v])$ are secondary circles.
Because of fibration structure, we can use Leray-Serre spectral sequence to compute homology.
We'll use integer ($\mathbb{Z}$) coefficients, which can be used to obtain field coefficients.
$H_\ast(\mathcal{K}^2) = (\mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{Z}\oplus \mathbb{Z}_2, 0)$
$H_\ast(\mathcal{K}^3) = (\mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{Z}_2\oplus \mathbb{Z}_2, 0, \mathbb{Z})$
See [N 20] Theorem 5.2.6 for detailed calculations.
3D patches are high dimensional (125 dimensions for 5x5x5).
PCA can visualize some simple structures.
$\mathcal{K}^3$ is a 3-dimensional manifold that captures more.
Visualize data using affine space of $\mathcal{K}^3$
We've developed a model $\cal K^d$ to explain structures we see in image patch data.
For additional details, see [N 20] "Parameterized Topological Data Analysis."
Potential applications: 3D compression, texture, neural nets [MSC 08, PC 14, GC 19]
If we have higher-dimensional patches, we could perform similar analyses.
Where would a 4-dimensional image come from?
Other applications where we might use a map:
Evasion [AC 14],
Time series,
Control systems.
[N 20] B. Nelson. Parameterized Topological Data Analysis.
PhD Dissertation, Stanford University. 2020. (Link)