Topological Data Analysis,
Linear Algebra, and Optimization

Brad Nelson

CCAM, Department of Statistics
University of Chicago

November 5, 2020


Collaborators who appear in this work

  • Gunnar Carlsson
  • Anjan Dwaraknath
  • Rickard Bruel-Gabrielsson
  • Primoz Skraba
  • Leonidas Guibas

Funding I received while working on these topics

  • DoD through NDSEG fellowship
  • DOE through SLAC/Neutrino group
  • Unbox AI


  1. Introduction to Topological Data Analysis (TDA)
  2. Matrix factorization algorithms for TDA
  3. Topology for Optimization

Topological Data Analysis (TDA)


Topological Data Analysis (TDA)

Concerned with understanding and using data through topology.
Data sets as topological spaces. Data points as topological spaces.
Compute algebraic signatures of shapes.

Application of homology to data begun by Robins [R 00],
furthered by [ELZ 02], [ZC 05], [CdS 10].

Applications (necessarily incomplete list):
Data visualization (mapper) [SMC 07], neuroscience [GGB 16], molecular properties [CWD 17], materials discovery [H+ 16], regularization [GND+ 20], genetics [CGR 13]

Topological Features

Image Patch

Figure from "Potentially highly potent drugs for 2019-nCoV" Nguyen et al. [N+ 20]

Topology of Data Sets

Klein Bottle
Klein Bottle
Painting by Ron Estrin
Parameterization = another way to get features.


Homology turns statements about topology into statements about linear algebra.

  • Topological spaces $X$ have associated vector spaces $H_k(X)$
  • Continuous maps $f:X \to Y$ have associated linear maps $F_k: H_k(X) \to H_k(Y)$

The index k refers to the dimension of topological features.

  • $\dim H_0(X)$ is the number of connected components.
  • $\dim H_1(X)$ is the number of loops/holes.
  • $\dim H_k(X)$ is the number $k$-dimensional voids.
  • $F_k:H_k(X) \to H_k(Y)$ tells us how features in $X$ map to features in $Y$

Persistent and Zigzag Homology

Persistent homology [ELZ 02]
Persistent Homology
Zigzag homology [CdS 10]
Zigzag Homology
Barcodes track how homology is created and destroyed.

Computing Zigzag Homology

How can we compare two (or more) samples? Zigzag Nerve

Topologically, look at maps to union.
Something like this proposed in [CdS 10]: "Topological bootstrapping"

Prior Work on Zigzag Homology

Zigzag Quiver Note: persistent homology is special case
  • Zigzag homology introduced by [CdS 10]
  • Algorithm for special case of inclusions [CdSM 09]
  • Only widely available implementation in Dionysus [M]
  • Work on applications to Rips complexes [OS 15]
  • Examples of type-A quiver representations [G 72]

Applications limited by slow computations


  • New computational framework for computing persistent and zigzag homology
  • Handles larger classes of problems
  • Multiple opportunities for parallelization
  • Orders of magnitude faster than existing implementations.

Persistent and Zigzag Homology: A Matrix Factorization Viewpoint [CDN 19]
Code: BATS and

Parallelization of Homology Functor

Homology Functor
  • Computing Homology of each space embarassingly parallel
  • Computing each induced map embarassingly parallel

Existing TDA packages work on chain complexes
(Makes sense in certain situations)
We take advantage of this parallelization.

Other advantage: compression.

Quiver Representations

  • Diagram of vector spaces, linear transformations
  • type-A quiver representations are on a line graph
  • [G 72]: type-A quiver representations have finite indecomposables
  • [CdS 10]: barcodes are the indecomposable forms

Example: Indecomposable for bar with birth at 1, death at 2:
$I[1,2] = 0 \leftrightarrow \mathbb{F} \overset{\cong}\leftrightarrow \mathbb{F} \leftrightarrow 0 \leftrightarrow \dots$
Type-A quiver representations are isomorphic to something in the form
$\bigoplus_i I[b_i, d_i]$
These are Jordan 0 blocks in the case where all arrows go the same direction. [H 17]

The Companion Matrix

type A persistence companion matrix
type A zigzag companion matrix zigzag

Block matrix with structure of adjacency matrix of underlying graph.

Acts on $V_0 \oplus V_1 \oplus V_2$

The Barcode Factorization

Barcode Factorization

$E_i$ have at most 1 nonzero in each row and column
Can read barcode off from $\Lambda$ by tracking basis vectors
[CDN 19]: the barcode form $\Lambda$ doesn't depend on choice of basis in each vector space

Further Details

  • Reversed arrows use different factorization ($PU\hat{E}_L L$).
  • Can start at other end of diagram using another set of factorizations ($PLE_U U$).
  • Combine to get divide-and-conquer scheme to parallelize.
  • General algorithm uses 6 variations of the LU decomposition.

The game: you can commute $L$ matrices with $E_L$ and $\hat{E}_L$ in certain ways.
You can commute $U$ matrices with $E_U$ and $\hat{E}_U$ in certain ways.
Choose factorizations accordingly.


  • Parallel homology calculation: $O(m_i^3)$ ($m_i$ max number simplices on node)
  • $n$ edges in the quiver, maximum vector space dimension $d$.
  • Proposition: the sequential algorithm runs in $O(nd^3)$ time.
  • Proposition: the parallel divide-and conquer algorithm runs in $O((d \log d) n + d^3 \log n)$ time.
  • Regular zigzag homology: $\tilde{O}(m^\omega)$ ($m$ total number simplices) [MMS 11]

Sparsity makes all these bounds pessimistic in practice.



Performance vs. Dionysus [M] on zigzag of samples

Parallel Performance

DQ 1

Left: Parallel speedup of divide-and-conquer algorithm.
Right: breakdown of computation time for full problem.

Review and Future Directions

  • Matrix factorization framework for persistent/zigzag homology.
  • Can be applied to any maps.
  • New applications possible (not covered here).

Future directions:
  • Quiver representations other than type-A?
  • Combine with other optimizations for persistent homology.

Persistent Homology and Optimization

"A Topology Layer for Machine Learning" (AISTATS 2020) [GND+ 20]
PyTorch extension: TopologyLayer

Sampling of other recent work in this area:

  • Use of topological features in deep learning (Hofer et al. 2017).
  • Topological shape matching (Poulenard et al. 2018).
  • Regularization for tumor segmentation (Clough et al. 2019).
  • Regularization of decision boundaries (Chen et al. 2019).

Our contributions

  • General purpose implementation for using PH in gradient-based optimization.
  • Several new examples, including adversarial attacks.

Topological Failures of Neural Networks

number 4
GAN numbers

Left: the digit "4". Right: digits dreamed by a GAN. What's wrong?

Level Set Filtrations

Levelset 0
Levelset 1
Levelset 3

Top: Image. Bottom: Level sets as simplicial complexes, filtered by pixel intensity.

Mapping Barcodes to Functions

Lemma (trivial): Every simplex addition either creates homology or destroys homology.

PH backward

Implication: We can map the birth and death times of particular homology classes back to function values at particular points.
Generally, compute a sub-gradient of loss with respect to filtration value.

Functions of Barcodes

We consider simple algebraic functions of barcodes. Others are possible.

$$\{(b_i, d_i)\} \mapsto \sum_i (d_i - b_i)^p (b_i + d_i)^q$$ We can choose $p, q$ to measure desired topological behavior.

  • $p = 2, q=0$ is large if there are very persistent classes ($H_0$: well-separated clusters, $H_1$: large holes)
  • $p = 0, q=1$ measures the mid-point of bars in the filtration.

Topologically Penalized GAN

Idea: penalize GANs for unnatural topology.
We want one connected component, so penalize sum of lengths of $H_0$ bars.

PH backward

Setup for training GAN with topological loss.

Topologically Penalized GAN

Topology GAN
Trained GAN

Left: under-trained GAN.
Center: improve for 50 batch iterations with topology loss.
Right: improve for 60k batch iterations.

Point Cloud Optimization

number 4
number 4
number 4
number 4
number 4
number 4

Clockwise from top center: Uniformly distributed points. Decrease $H_0$. Decrease $H_1$. Increase $H_1$ + decrease $H_0$. Increase $H_1$. Increase $H_0$.

Adversarial Attacks

number 4
number 4

Left: Image of the digit "4". Right: An adversarial attack to misclassify as "8".



  • New computational framework for persistent/zigzag homology.
  • Parallel algorithms, and fast implementation.
  • Optimization using persistent homology in penalty.

Where to next?

  • Algorithms for other quiver types?
  • Topology-constrained dimension reduction?
  • Topological summaries/control of neural networks?

Winter Quarter: STAT 37411 = CAAM 37411 Topological Data Analysis

Technical Credits


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[N+ 20] Nguyen, Gao, Chen, Wang, Wei. Potentially highly potent drugs for 2019-nCoV. 2020.
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